Roam Like Home Monthly Voice & Data (Auto-renewal)

  • This is a monthly auto-renewal plan
  • Cancellation (unsubscription) is allowed, where plan will cease upon end of bill cycle. If you subscribe and unsubscribe within same month's bill cycle, you will be charged in full.
  • Roaming data usage without a pack is blocked for your protection from excessive charges, you can view and purchase the heavily discounted pack through *177# (for free).  If you want to use data roaming at standard roaming rates, text UBLOCK to 1010 (standard SMS roaming rates apply) valid for 24-hours afterwards will automatically revert to blocking again.
  • Any other non-eligible service shall be charged as per standard roaming rates
  • Data usage from local plan allowance is capped to 40GB, and eligible usage thereafter (if any) is reduced to 128Kbps. For more information, please visit
  • Receiving calls is free up to 500 mins for 30 days. Upon full consumption of 500 min, incoming calls are charged 0.36 AED/min (no carry-over)
  • Fair usage policy applies where outgoing voice calls is capped to 3000 minutes for 30 days. Upon full consumption of 3000 min, local plan rates apply.
  • To refresh your FUP caps, you can reset the pack where a new charge applies and FUP is reset to zero.

For more details, please visit