Roam Like Home Monthly Voice & Data (Auto-renewal)

  • Plan is activated upon subscription (starts immediately regardless if the customer is inside UAE or not). 
  • First month subscription and inclusive usage FUP caps shall be on pro-rata basis (calendar month). 
  • For recurring month(s), full amount of (AED 500) will be charged for any calendar month(s) with full usage FUP caps until the end of the month 
  • Customers can unsubscribe ant any time, and customers will be charged the full plan subscription of AED 500 and will enjoy the benefits till the end of the calendar month. However, if subscribed and unsubscribed on same calendar month, customer is charged in full (AED 500) and service will remain active until the end of that calendar month
  • For the preferred roaming partners where this pack can be used while roaming, please check the list in the drop-down selection below, or visit
  • For making calls to flexi countries eligible for Freedom, visit:
  • For making calls to flexi countries eligible for New Freedom, visit:
  • Data usage from local plan allowance is capped to 40GB, and eligible usage thereafter (if any) is reduced to 128Kbps.
  • Fair usage policy applies where outgoing voice calls is capped to 3000 minutes. Upon full consumption of 3000 min, local plan rates apply.
  • Voice and data metering are as per your local plan usage increments
  • Receiving calls is free up to 500 mins (per minute increments). Upon full consumption of 500 min, incoming calls are charged 0.36 AED/min (no carry-over)
  • Roaming data usage without a pack is blocked for your protection from excessive charges, you can view and purchase the heavily discounted pack through *177# (for free).  If you want to use data roaming at standard roaming rates, text UBLOCK to 1010 (standard SMS roaming rates apply) valid for 24-hours afterwards will automatically revert to blocking again.
  • Any other non-eligible service shall be charged as per standard roaming rates

For complete T&Cs, please visit here