Unlock a new realm of
communication with Microsoft Teams
Direct Routing from etisalat by e&
Explore etisalat by e&'s cutting-edge cloud calling solution
Join us for an insightful session on Microsoft Teams Direct Routing,
a cloud-based calling solution to help organisations meet today’s
hybrid working requirements and more.
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Take your number
with you wherever
you go
hyberd working
Microsoft Direct Routing
adapts to your work
style, wherever you are
fully managed service
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professional services
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  Topics   Speaker   Duration
  Migrate your communication to the cloud    Waseem Hashem (Microsoft)   10 min
  Excel with Microsoft Teams Unified
  Communication Solution 
  Waseem Hashem (Microsoft)   10 min
  Microsoft Teams Direct Routing Introduction     Pramit Kumar (etisalat by e&)   15 min
  Etisalat by e& your trusted partner for your
  E2E journey
  Pramit Kumar (etisalat by e&)   15 min
  Q&A session       10 min
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