Technology & Innovation

Let Cyber Edge X secure your cloud perimeter


09 Mar 2022

In today’s digital era, cybercrimes are no longer treated as attacks on technology but rather crimes against individuals or businesses with serious consequences to any company’s operations, finances, staff and clients. Governments, too, no matter how powerful, are not spared. Ultimately, their economies and people are exposed to great potential risks.
The damage inflicted could be enormous if companies and governments become complacent against cyber-attacks. This year, if cybercrimes were to be measured in GDP, it would be the third largest economy after the United States and China at approximately US$6 trillion, experts said.
And over the next few years, cybercrimes are projected to be more rampant and bolder and would cost the world 15 percent more reaching $10.5 trillion by 2025, according to top tech research firm Cybersecurity Ventures.
Cybercrimes are a global problem with far more reaching impact to any business sector than we can imagine. This is not just a simple technology risk anymore but a business risk that needs to be addressed with impactful results.
Here is where cybersecurity comes in. Cybersecurity, sometimes referred to as computer security or information technology security, is the practice of protecting systems, networks and programmes from any digital attacks.
These may include theft of sensitive information, damage to hardware or software, or electronic data, or it could be disruption or misdirection of the services they provide.
Because digital information and technology are now so heavily integrated into our day-to-day lives and work, we have become more vulnerable to cyberthreats or attacks. Since the onset of the pandemic, cyber criminals have become more sophisticated in their approach, often running undetected by the users.

According to the leading global tech research firm Gartner, the most common types of cybersecurity attacks include:

  • Phishing and social-engineering-based attacks.
    Attackers trick legitimate users with proper access credentials into taking action that opens the door for unauthorised users, allowing them to transfer information and data out (data exfiltration).
  • Internet-facing service risks (including cloud services).
    These threats relate to the failure of enterprises, partners and vendors to adequately secure cloud services or other internet-facing services (for example, configuration management failure) from known threats.
  • Password-related account compromises.
    Unauthorised users deploy software or other hacking techniques to identify common and reused passwords they can exploit to gain access to confidential systems, data or assets.
  • Misuse of information.
    Authorised users inadvertently or deliberately disseminate or otherwise misuse information or data to which they have legitimate access.
  • Network-related and man-in-the-middle attacks.
    Attackers may be able to eavesdrop on unsecured network traffic or redirect or interrupt traffic as a result of failure to encrypt messages within and outside an organisation’s firewall.
  • Supply chain attacks.
    Partners, vendors or other third-party assets or systems (or code) become compromised, creating a vector to attack or exfiltrate information from enterprise systems.
  • Denial-of-service attacks (DoS).
    Attackers overwhelm enterprise systems and cause a temporary shutdown or slowdown. Distributed DoS (DDoS) attacks also flood systems, but by using a network of devices. (Also see “What is a DDos attack?”)
  • Ransomware.
    This malicious software infects an organisation’s systems and restricts access to encrypted data or systems until a ransom is paid to the perpetrator. Some attackers threaten to release data if the ransom isn’t paid.
So how can you protect your company against cyber-attacks particularly in this era where remote working is becoming the norm?
You must entrust this job to experts that can handle the job professionally and with precision. For small and medium companies that run on tight budgets, cybersecurity jobs can be outsourced to IT firms with expertise in this area.
In the UAE and more than a dozen countries in the Middle East, Asia and Africa, where e& operates, companies can always rely on the firm’s Cyber Edge X program to address this issue.
e& enterprise takes pride in specialising in cyber-safeguarding with multiple digital security solutions available to comprehensively protect your business data across various formats.

Here are e& enterprise’s top three cyber-security solutions that could protect you against cyber-attacks:

  • Endpoint Security - Extensive protection of corporate network devices (Windows or Mac) with thorough and in-depth Endpoint Security solutions.
  • Firewall - Protect your Android phones and tablets against viruses, malwares and numerous other digital security threats.
  • Mobile Security -
    Guard your business against a multitude of cyber threats with advanced firewall solutions.

e& enterprise’s cybersecurity arm Help AG recently launched Cyber Edge X, a Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) to help companies redefine their perimeter security into the cloud. Cyber Edge X helps by securing the perimeter defense in the cloud of companies, protecting users, applications and data everywhere from possible cyber-attacks.

This unique cybersecurity software offers next generation firewall; multi-layered advanced threat protection suite; artificial intelligence-based filtering system; easy-to-use SD-WAN capabilities and controls, and; granular real-time reporting.
With which, Cyber Edge X promises to deliver the necessary networking and security as a cloud-delivered service, encompassing a range of cloud-native microservices in single platform architecture.

Indeed, a little investment on e& enterprise’s Cyber Edge X comes a long way against invisible cyber criminals lurking around us.