The Telecom Regulatory Authority (TRA) has introduced a new policy that requires you to renew the registration of all your etisalat mobile numbers by updating your profiles with valid and up-to-date ID details. All you need to do is update your profile with your original and valid ID details and specify the mobile numbers (SIM cards) under your name that you would like to renew registration for.
Smiles is the ultimate destination for everyday savings, offering you amazing daily deals from etisalat as well as hundreds of your favourite brands. Enjoy 50% off on movie tickets, as well as "Buy 1 Get 1 Free" deals on entertainment, shopping, dining, travel and wellness. Download the Smiles app now to start earning your Smiles points.
VAT is a consumption tax that the end user is obligated to pay. Etisalat will be only acting as a collection agent on behalf of the taxation authority. Etisalat is legally obliged to comply with this Government mandate from 1 January 2018.